Our School
Thank you for visiting the Earl LeGette Elementary School website. Your interest in our school is important to us. We hope our website provides information and resources that you find useful.
Earl LeGette Elementary School is located in eastern Sacramento County in Fair Oaks, California. Our school is one of 41 elementary schools in the San Juan Unified School District. We are a TK-6 neighborhood school, and we accept students through the Open Enrollment process as space allows. The curriculum provided is transitioning to the Common Core State Standards from the California Content Standards. The school supports cultural awareness on a daily basis through its diverse literature selections and other school activities.
Earl LeGette Elementary School provides an environment that is rich, caring, and safe. The school climate supports individual differences and encourages responsibility and respect. Instruction promotes high personal standards and expectations for achievement and behavior. Curriculum is well-balanced to meet the needs of each individual. All programs and participants within the school community actively foster self-esteem for all members. Our goal is to encourage and challenge all students and provide them with the academic tools that enable them to reach their fullest potential now and in their future as life-long learners.
In May 2012, Earl LeGette Elementary School was honored as a 2012 California Distinguished School by the State of California, Department of Education for excellence in education. That excellence in education continues to permeate our school academic and social culture.
Parents or community members who wish to participate in leadership teams, school committees, school activities, or become a volunteer may contact the school office at (916) 979-8430 or by choosing an option from the email listings.
Why Choose LeGette?
Being student-focused at Earl LeGette School allows for many options and activities for our students and families. Listed below is a sampling of what LeGette has to offer.
- Collaborative and nurturing community with a focus on student success
- Neighborhood school with Transitional Kindergarten (TK) - 6th grade programs (TK-6)
- Active and involved PTO with organized family involvement activities (carnival, pancake breakfast)
- Family nights: Science, Art, Physical Fitness, Informational
- Various parent volunteer opportunities including classroom helpers, fieldtrip chaperones and docents for the Art Docent program
- Traditional Half-Day TK and Kindergarten
- Common Core State Standards instruction and curriculum in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies
- Highly skilled and qualified veteran teachers
- Art, Music, and P.E. Specialists who hold classes weekly
- Active Student Council with school-wide activities, raising community and global awareness and school-wide community building
- School library staffed by Media Center Technician
- Positive and active relationship with business community and service clubs
- Chromebase computer Lab with connection to Internet
- Eleven complete sets of Computers on Wheels (COW) for technology access in almost every classroom
- Large, 72" flat panel screens and Apple TVs in every classrooms
- Discovery Club - a creative before and after school child care/enrichment program serving children in TK - 6th Grade
- Beginning & Advanced Band, and Choir programs (before school)
- After School Enrichment Program available (fee based)
- Yearly school-wide play/musical
- Enrichment assemblies for fine arts
- Love and Logic approach to student interactions school-wide
- Quiet neighborhood setting adjacent to a small park
- Full-time Resource Specialist and Instructional Aide serving both identified special education students and students at-risk of not meeting standards (by referral)
- Before and after school extended day classes for students needing additional support
- Speech and Language Specialists (by referral)
- Two Special Day Classes (SDC) for Learning Handicapped (3-5) and students with Autism (K-2)
Who was Earl LeGette?
In 1955 the property on which the school sits and the surrounding area was owned by George E and Anna (Nancy) Miller, Sr. The 50+ acres of the ranch consisted of olive and orange trees, with a plethora of other crops as well. Orange trees were predominant in the area.
The Millers had decided to sell the property for subdivision in 1955. Being philanthropists, they contacted the Fair Oaks Parks and Recreation Department---of which George Jr. was a Board member---and donated the land that is adjoining the school so, as he stated, “there would always be a place where my grandchildren could play." It is now known as Miller Park.
When San Juan Unified School District got wind of the donation and sale, George Sr. was approached for a donation of land for a school, of which the family had planned to donate land for and, as he put it, "my grandchildren would always have some place to learn." It was suggested by George and Nancy that the school be named after the much-deserving School Board President with whom they had been working to donate the land. That School Board President was named Earl LeGette.
Mr. LeGette was born in Portales, New Mexico in 1900. He began a banking career in Kansas City. MO, where he had moved with his mother and siblings when he was young. Earl married Laura Mary Steepleton in 1924. They had two children, Jerome (Jerry) and James.
After WWII, the family moved to Fair Oaks where Mr. LeGette and a partner established the First National Bank of Fair Oaks. Soon after, he joined the school system as a volunteer. He spent many hours involved in school business. His goal for all children was a good, solid and basic education. He worked closely with the members of the school system to continue the improvement of public education.
Mr. LeGette was instrumental in working with the Millers for the acquisition of the property, on which the school is built, with the completion of the school in 1957, opening in September, 1957.
LeGette groundbreaking:
"Breaking ground" is Earl LeGette. Directly behind him is Anna (Nancy) Miller. Behind her is George E. Miller Sr., flanked on the right by George E. Miller Jr. and other Board members of the time.